
Got errors? We’ve got answers!

How to search using rendered content (shortcodes and reusable blocks)

By default, ElasticPress will index and use in its searches the post_content value as it is stored in the database. In some cases, it is preferable to use the final version of post_content, with its…

Can’t see private posts on the frontend if logged in and have the correct capability

As default, WordPress allows you to see private posts if your role is an admin, the author of the post, or if have the right permissions. However, with ElasticPress, we faced some issues that made… Autosuggest

In order to provide the most performant Autosuggest search experience, includes a custom API layer that enables your site visitors to quickly search your site’s public content while limiting access to the Elasticsearch database…

Using the ElasticPress Debugging Add-On Plugin

ElasticPress is a sophisticated plugin that tightly integrates with WordPress core, themes, and plugins. As a result, debugging ElasticPress can be tricky business for even experienced developers. To enable you to see the queries that…

My Autosuggest does not return any results

There are a few reasons why Autosuggest may not be working correctly. To troubleshoot, it’s helpful to understand a bit about how the Autosuggest feature works. In order to add the JavaScript to your site…

ElasticPress hangs on indexing and/or fails with error “Error: cURL error 28: Operation timed out after [???] milliseconds”

This error occurs when ElasticPress takes too long to send a request to, or the processing of that request by takes longer than the timeout on the originating server. The most common reasons…

Troubleshoot Missing Index

If the Debugging Add-On plugin displays an HTTP 404 error for your search query, the issue is that the index you are querying does not exist. Running a full sync will create the missing index,…

When trying to sync I receive an error “An index is already occurring. Try again later.” / “WP CLI sync is occurring.”

In general, these error messages indicate that either a sync operation is running without the user’s knowledge, or that a sync operation has gotten “stuck” or failed in such a way that WordPress/ElasticPress considers the…

I get the error “Limit of total fields [???] in index [???] has been exceeded”

NOTE: This error was more common on versions prior to ElasticPress 5.0, as the plugin indexed all metafields. Since version 5.0, only metadata selected in the Search Fields & Weighting screen are indexed, unless you…

My endpoint will be moved to a new cluster. What do I need to do?

On some rare occasions, your endpoint can be moved to a different server: the ElasticPress team can allocate you to a server with better performance, new technology, etc. In this article, we will go through…