
ElasticPress offers a range of Features to improve your site experience, including PDF contents search, Cross-site search, WooCommerce integration, Filter widgets, Autosuggest, Field Weighting, Custom Fields, Custom Results, and more.

Instant Autosuggest

ElasticPress.io provides secure Autosuggest results to your site visitors as they type while ensuring that any private or unpublished content stays safe from prying eyes.

Supercharged WooCommerce

With ElasticPress, filtering WooCommerce product results is fast and easy. Your customers can find and buy exactly what they’re looking for, even if you have a large or complex product catalog. No matter how elaborate the query, ElasticPress can handle it. The result? Happier customers and more sales.

Weighting and Custom Results

Adjust your results algorithm by prioritizing or deprioritizing attributes in the Weighting dashboard. Or customize top search terms to return your most popular content or products with the Custom Results editor.

Drill down with Filters

Creating your own powerful, customized search experience is easy with our Filter widgets. No code needed!

Relate to your audience

Our Related Posts module finds the perfect related content for your stories automatically and is fully compatible with the Gutenberg editor. There’s no need to curate manually, as ElasticPress will update results on-the-fly as you publish new material.

Search all-the-things

We go beyond the text of your story, understanding custom fields, tags, and other metadata to improve your results. Full-text search of common document formats like PDFs and Microsoft Office is also supported, and ElasticPress can even power your dashboard user search.

Publish Faster with Protected Content

The Protected Content offloads queries for searches and content-heavy views in the WordPress dashboard, so that your content creators can spend more time creating content, and less time finding it. 500 stories at a time in the Posts screen? No problem.

Open Source Connector

Optimized for ElasticPress.io hosting, our open source plugin connects WordPress to any Elasticsearch instance. Read the source code or download the plugin on GitHub or the WordPress.org plugin repository.

Fully Documented

Are you a WordPress developer or power user looking to get even more out of ElasticPress? View information about the plugin’s many features and access details about every hook and filter on our docs site.

Still have questions? Check our Frequently Asked Questions page!